Oportunidad de Empleo: C++ Software Developer (Posición Remota) - iTechCareer-RD Latam Search & Selection - nov2016

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Sos Developer y estas interesado en nuevos desafíos?
Para Importante Empresa Multinacional buscamos C++ Developers para trabajar y dar soporte a operaciones globales en Córdoba o en Forma Remota desde la Ciudad o Provincia que te encuentres.
Es una excelente Oportunidad de Desarrollo Profesional, con muy buenas condiciones de contratación y beneficios para una empresa en crecimiento y nuevos proyectos. 
The SW Developer will participate in designing, implementing, testing and documenting the product as one of the software professionals in the team. In addition to traditional software development you will participate in designing and implementing automated software testing, continuous integration and unit testing.

The SW Developer will participate in designing, implementing, testing and documenting the product as one of the software professionals in the team. In addition to traditional software development you will participate in designing and implementing automated software testing, continuous integration and unit testing.

The SW Developer will participate in designing, implementing, testing and documenting the product as one of the software professionals in the team. In addition to traditional software development you will participate in designing and implementing automated software testing, continuous integration and unit testing. Knowledge in database SYBASE (preferably), Oracle or MS SQL.
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