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Samsung Galaxy Loss Does not Need To Defeat IPad Sales
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TEMA: Samsung Galaxy Loss Does not Need To Defeat IPad Sales

Samsung Galaxy Loss Does not Need To Defeat IPad Sales hace 11 años, 3 meses #119

  • shoneeKes

There are a number of reasons why more and more business men and women are turning to the iPad for daily business instead of the more traditional laptop The main reason being the size and weight of the iPad. Business people who have to travel daily prefer to carry an iPad around or similar tablet instead of a laptop The iPad tablet weighs a measly pound and a half, while a laptop weighs closer to six pounds. The size of the iPad is roughly 8x10, while most laptops have either a 10,14, 17, or 19 inch screen and are generally over an inch thick.
When you buy a bamboo pen tablet you will get the pen and a USB cable. You will also get an attractive pen stand to place the stylus and as usual software is present to install. The bamboo tablet has 21 square inch display with state-of-the-art handwriting recognition software. It also comes with the inking and pen features of windows Vista as well. The best part in this tablet laptop model is that it gives a pen-on-paper feeling when you write something on the display with the stylus. There is no doubt that this is the best tablet that can be used for writing and drawing.
One small problem that caught my attention that led to power the laptop blink softly when the laptop is in sleep mode. Usually there is no problem with it, but the various blue LED on the laptop a little alert. You will not find at all during the day, but for those of you who keep your laptop in sleep mode during the night will suddenly see the blue glow in their room fading in and out. It can quickly be determined by just the thing on the cover as a book, but it is annoying a little less detail.
The downsides of the Surface are in the eye of the beholder. Battery life is stated to be somewhere about 4 hours, maybe less. This rivals laptops, not tablets. Tablets offer about 8-10 hours of battery life. Is this compromise a deal breaker in education? The Surface is a bit heavier than the usual tablet, but not more so than a laptop/netbook. It seems like the weight issue could be more of a red herring than a genuine limitation. Surely lighter is preferable, but realistically the device weight is far from burdensome.
The main compromises with the Chromebook are not specifically related to learning issues, but to some of the inherent features. The Chromebook weights about 3.05 pounds. Hardly back breaking, but more than the 1.5 pounds of the typical tablet. But for that extra weight, students get a full sized keyboard and an 11.6 inch screen. Battery power is also a concern, and the Chromebook is touted to have a battery life of about 3.5 hours. That is significantly less than found on tablets, which typically are about 8-9 hours. Plugging in can be a nuisance.
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